Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

Border Gate between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea in Merauke

Before entering the border area between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, before going through the border gate. at the gate there is text that reads "Izakod bekai izakod kai" which means "Goodbye and see you again another day" ,in the native language of the tribe that lived in Merauke. 
     The border area is very far from the settlement, so it needed more attention from the state to further tighten controls and security, are intended to prevent things happen that are not desirable in the border area.
   in this expression Aiptu Ma'Ruf delivered directly quickness special attention to the border, so as not to encounter difficulties and obstacles during the charge, which at the time we met directly. Aiptu Ma 'Ruf is a police officer on duty at the border, as well as taking care of the garden area which is on the border of Merauke.

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Border monument is in Merauke

   This image is one of the existing garden ornament on the front, this artificial form of the house is one example of the traditional inhabitants of Papua. This house is home honai imitation.
Monument treaty between Indonesia and Australia survey team

On the monument upon written "Bahasa Indonesia Penjaga Persatuan dan Kesatuan NKRI" in English means "Indonesian guard the unity of the Republic of Indonesia".

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013


This is one of many my journeys in Merauke, this place is a restricting beetwen Indonesia and Papuan New Guinea. This place located at border area East Indonesia. This placed settled on 23, August 1967 ,with decision by second nation, Indonesia and Australia . I think, very hard to release portion of Papua New Guinea area from Republic Indonesia also to defend this area before . And than this dividing line manufactured a sign of Team survey Indonesia ,Australia.
But, original resident who stay in both of area is a black skinned from Papua island. 
This journey i compensation with my best friend BOLANG from KALBAR, named Ismi Fai(nick name) ,seriously "Ismi fairuzzabadi", the stronger man of adventure,although ourselves don't have experience  on that, but when we were child , we have a lot journey with story about little adventure on back garden. Hehehe