Jumat, 23 November 2012

Runing Snake

                                                           Faster running Snake

                     A snake running while the water quick wobble on the river bottom.
The sweet water snake very interested to me, i want to caught but it too fast running , so i lost to caught the wonderful snake-Hehe- and just capture this photo, not too bad ,that's fair.

Coral beach on Base G Jayapura, Papua

                                            This is Few beach on Jayapura, Papua.

                 Yesterday i'm going to a beach, that is a beautiful beach. I interesting to share my journey yesterday to my blog .            
This beach named Base G. Because "G" meaning of Goodnes, so Base is meaning about ,base of goodnes of  beach. 
Base G have nice landscape on day, and it have high a sea wave . This beach consisting of coral reef and we can find many kind of fish like manatee, sea urchin, sea cucumber, little fish, nemo and if lucky we can meet group of dolphin. The accurate place for holiday with family or just with lover. 

Minggu, 18 November 2012


             Ini adalah perjalanan liburanku saat berkunjung ke merauke, tempat ini adalah salah satu tempat bersejarah dimerauke . Tempat ini merupakan suatu "prasasti tugu pepera".  yang merupakan tugu pembebasan Irian Jaya Barat , sekaligus ditandatangai oleh Presiden Soeharto, pada tanggal 17 September 1969.

Postingan pertama

Postingan pertama saya, Coret-coret dulu :D